
Bull elk calling
Bull elk calling

bull elk calling

Getting in between a bull and his cows or cow and ripping the baddest bugle note you can can be very effective. Most of the elk Ive shot came in doing this vocalization themselves if they were lone bulls looking for cows and coming in to a herd scenario calling sequence or cow sounds. Ripping a bull calling cows bugle is one of the most effective sounds you can use to draw in the herd bull. We all know if some guy starts blatantly hitting on your woman like this in front of you it may elicit a response on a whole other level. Or he and perhaps even all his cows are talking and you’ve snuck in. I like to use it when you’ve already had contact with your quarry and are interacting with him vocally. A higher pitched screaming piercing sound in a 3-4 second note is what I use in this situation.

bull elk calling bull elk calling

This kind of reaction is why I feel a bull sneaking in and sweet talking another bulls ladies is such a great sound. He then switches tactics and when Clubber invites Rocky’s wife over to his apartment however the fight is on. He started trying to instigate a fight by calling him names. Maybe Im dating myself here but I think the above scene in Rocky 3 when Mr T Aka Clubber Lang tries to bait Rocky Balboa. If that lead cow says I heard that coming from a dirt bike that just shut off yesterday or after truck doors shut off the two track near my bedding area it might be pointless. We all share these woods and those elk might be the ones your on tomorrow over the ridge. I highly recommend trying to not road hunt and call and educate the elk. But that being said it can be a deadly technique to locate a talkative bull before they figure hunters ought to be calling. Doing this kind of stuff in the predawn darkness can have negative consequences. One of the best ways to locate is just before sunup. Dropping onto a slope or putting yourself in the general area elk ought to be seems to make them respond better. Bugling off the top of the rim or from the bottom of a climb is not as effective. Covering ground and staying determined will help as will putting your self on the playing field. Hit that high note and let it ring and pierce as long as you can then be quiet and listen. I do not recommend chuckling while locating because you may drown out any distant response. You can add a little growl or lip bawl into this note but the general idea is to make a loud clear long note as long as your breath can go. The single reeds are easy to play and have an excellent range of volume. Our new Scream diaphragms and ATM and OTC bugles excel at this accurate ringing tone. Lets assume a high pitched bugle is your first and only note you’ll play when locating or attempting to locate a responsive bull. That being said seeing as this is a bugling article Ill skip that for now. We’ve seen time and again bulls answer extremely accurate sounding loud cow talk so its always worth a shot to try this first. I started always adding loud cow talk to my locator strategy. It may be a great spot to start as far as a tactic. I love to try to get a bull to talk by bugling a loud clear note. Locator bugle-Using an Elk Bugle call to locate bulls This article will out line a few outside the box techniques and highlights some of the sounds you should have in your repertoire. Using their high pitched guttural screams to reel them in close is highly effective if done right. To me calling elk is the pinnacle of sport. Those high pitched Screams will pierce more than the mountain air. It’s the kind of experience that is hard to beat. However when they march in screaming their heads off, after you’ve seduced and lured them in close with elk calls. The very fact that Bull elk bugle is one of the best parts about hunting them in the rut. Bugling for Bull Elk with an Elk Bugle Call by Drew Rouse

Bull elk calling